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Annual General Meeting 2022

On the 28th of June, the BEIC Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held.
All five member organisations were represented.
Prof. Frank Scholwin was re-elected as the chairmain of the board.
Dr. Andrius Tamosiunas was re-elected as the vice chairman of the board.
Dr. Jörgen Held was re-elected as a board member. In his capacity as executive managing director, Jörgen Held acts as the secretary and treasurer of the Baltic Energy Innovation Centre.

The economy is in good balance and BEIC made a small profit of 63 683 SEK (approx. 6,100 EUR) in 2021, which will be carried forward, together with the profit from previous years, in a new account.

In relation to the AGM, the Gender Equality Plan and the Environmental Policy and Action Plan were revised.

BEIC is very active and participates as coordinator or project partner in applications for R&DD projects related to renewable methane. Having members from DE, DK, LT, PL and SE makes BEIC the perfect partner for INTERREG project within the Baltic Sea Region.

BEIC Annual General Meeting

On the 30th of June, the BEIC Annual General Meeting was held.
All five member organisations were represented.
Prof. Frank Scholwin was re-elected as the chairmain of the board.
Dr. Andrius Tamosiunas was re-elected as the vice chairman of the board.
Dr. Jörgen Held was re-elected as a board member. In his capacity as executive managing director, Jörgen Held acts as the secretary and treasurer of the Baltic Energy Innovation Centre.

The economy is in good balance and BEIC made a small profit of 37 230 SEK (approx. 3,700 EUR) in 2020, which will be carried forward, together with the profit from previous years, in a new account.

BEIC is very active and participates as coordinator or project partner in applications for R&DD projects related to renewable methane. Having members from DE, DK, LT, PL and SE makes BEIC the perfect partner for INTERREG project within the Baltic Sea Region.

COASTAL Biogas video – biogas from seaweed

A brief explanation of one aspect of the COASTAL Biogas project – Biogas from cast seaweed and algae. Excess seaweed and algae are a problem for the Baltic Sea. One solution is to collect it and use it for renewable energy. At the same time eutrophication is mitigated since nutrients are physically removed from the sea/beach.
#interregsouthbaltic #eutrophication #biogas

The fifth COASTAL Biogas Newsletter has been released

COASTAL Biogas Newsletter is released twice per year. The fifth edition, including links to two COASTAL Biogas reports, was published on the 18th of November 2020.

Click here to view it.

Please visit if you want to subscribe to the COASTAL Biogas Newsletter.
Just fill in your full name , e-mail address and tic the box for personal data processing. Subscription is free of charge.

Jörgen Held appointed to the assessment committee

Jörgen Held, BEIC and Jens Bo Holm-Nielsen, Aalborg University were appointed to the assessment committee in relation to the PhD defense by Cristina Landt at Roskilde University.

The thesis, “Forretningsmodeller for biogas – I et cirkulært økonomisk perspektiv”, deals with the development of the Danish biogas sector and five biogas facilities using manure as co-substrate are analysed in detail in terms of ownership, business model, input and output streams, process parameters and economy.

BEIC presented the COASTAL Biogas project

Jörgen Held was invited to present the COASTAL Biogas project at the GREATER Bio digital seminar on the 17th of September in Malmö. Sonia Denkiewicz, Skåne Energy Agency opened the seminar, Jens Almqvist, KRINOVA presented the CONTRA project and Tyge Kjaer, Roskilde University presented the Solröd Biogas plant.

Click here to take part of the COASTAL Biogas project presentation (PowerPoint).
Click here to see and listen to the recorded presentation (video)